What Activities Should I Avoid While Wearing Invisalign Aligners?

If you're considering Invisalign treatment, learn what activities you should avoid while wearing your aligners and how to clean them for best results.

What Activities Should I Avoid While Wearing Invisalign Aligners?

If you're considering Invisalign treatment, you should be aware of the activities that you should avoid while wearing your aligners. To ensure the best results, it's essential to wear your aligners for approximately 22 hours a day. Treatment will be delayed if you don't wear your aligners for no more than two hours every day. It's best to remove your aligners every time you plan to eat or drink anything, with the exception of running water.

You should also stay away from foods that are especially chewy or sticky, as these can damage the Invisalign itself and impede the process of straightening your teeth. Chewing gum, candy, or jerky are considered chewy and should be avoided if possible. Anything high in sugar, such as pastries, ice cream, sugary gum, soft drinks, fruits and desserts of any kind should also be avoided.

It's wise to leave anything sugary behind during your Invisalign treatment.

The most straightforward way to clean Invisalign is to soak them daily in a denture cleaner or in Invisalign cleaning crystals.

After completing your Invisalign treatment, it's important to wear a retainer to maintain the alignment of your new teeth. The first few days of Invisalign treatment can be challenging as you get used to the aligners, but after a few days most people no longer notice them.