What Foods Should I Avoid While Wearing Invisalign Aligners?

If you're considering Invisalign treatment but not sure what you can eat with the aligners, keep in mind that all orthodontists are very attentive to their dietary restrictions during treatment to avoid additional complications or orthodontic emergencies that could

What Foods Should I Avoid While Wearing Invisalign Aligners?

If you're considering Invisalign treatment, you may be wondering what foods you should avoid while wearing your aligners. While Invisalign is a great option for straightening your teeth, there are certain lifestyle adjustments that need to be made during the treatment period. Sticky, chewy foods such as candy, chewing gum, or candy should be avoided, as they can interfere with your orthodontic treatment. Hard foods, sugary foods, acidic foods and beverages, coffee and tea, alcohol, and chewing gum should also be avoided.

Additionally, you should remove your aligners every time you plan to eat or drink anything, with the exception of running water. When brushing and flossing your teeth, be careful not to damage the aligners. We recommend using a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. You should also avoid using floss threaders, as they can damage the aligners.

The official Invisalign FAQs suggest that you wear your aligners for 20 to 22 hours every day of treatment. Once your Invisalign treatment is complete, you'll need to wear a retainer to ensure that your teeth stay in their new position. We offer the newest and most effective treatments and technologies, including Invisalign, to support a life of good health. So if you're considering Invisalign treatment but not sure what you can eat with the aligners, keep in mind that all orthodontists are very attentive to their dietary restrictions during treatment to avoid additional complications or orthodontic emergencies that could delay your treatment. Sticky or chewy foods, hard foods, sugary foods, acidic foods and beverages, coffee and tea, alcohol, and chewing gum should all be avoided during the Invisalign treatment period. We hope this information is useful and convinces you of what makes Invisalign an excellent option for patients looking to straighten their teeth as efficiently as possible.