Do I Need to Wear a Headgear During My Invisalign Treatment?

In some cases, wearing a headgear during Invisalign treatment may be necessary for optimal results. Learn more about when and why you should wear a headgear during Invisalign treatment.

Do I Need to Wear a Headgear During My Invisalign Treatment?

Invisalign treatment is a popular orthodontic solution for those looking to straighten their teeth without the hassle of traditional braces. But, in some cases, wearing a headgear may be necessary to ensure the best results. If your orthodontist recommends it, then it is essential to wear a headgear during your Invisalign treatment. This is especially true for moderate to severe orthodontic problems that cannot be corrected with traditional braces alone.

A headgear can help correct serious bite issues or misalignment that require certain movements that cannot be performed without one. For instance, if you have a large gap in your smile, you may need to move some teeth forward while others move backwards. If the headgear doesn't serve as a solid anchor, this could cause a misalignment of the bite in the future. In some cases, it is necessary to move the back teeth forward. Braces placed on the back molars will not be able to achieve this goal, so you may need an orthodontic helmet to fix an anchor in the front of your mouth. The reverse headgear is used on growing patients with lower bites to move the jaw in the same direction in which it was supposed to grow in the first place.

More specifically, it is used when the upper jaw is underdeveloped, usually from front to back or side to side, to push it forward and aid the growth of the upper jaw. Orthodontists may also use this device if the lower jaw is slightly underdeveloped and placed forward. In conclusion, wearing a headgear during your Invisalign treatment may be necessary if your orthodontist recommends it and if you want to give yourself or your child the best chance of healthy and properly functioning teeth. It can help correct serious bite problems or misalignment that cannot be corrected with traditional braces alone.