How Often Should You Change Your Invisalign Aligners? A Guide for Patients

Do you want straighter teeth with Invisalign but don't know how often you should change your aligners? Learn more about changing Invisalign aligners and other tips from an expert orthodontist.

How Often Should You Change Your Invisalign Aligners? A Guide for Patients

Do you want to straighten your teeth with Invisalign but don't know how often you should change your aligners? Invisalign aligners are a great way to get the smile you've always wanted without the hassle of traditional braces. But how often do you need to change your aligners?The answer depends on how long you wear them each day. If you wear your Invisalign aligners for twenty to twenty-two hours a day, you'll need to change them every one to two weeks. Your dentist will provide you with sets of aligners to keep at home and will have them available when it's time to switch to the next pair.

Generally, each set of Invisalign aligners should be worn for approximately two weeks. At Gladwell Orthodontics, we like to combine Invisalign with AcceleDent Aura whenever possible. This allows our patients to change their aligners every five to seven days and shorten their treatment period. This means that you can change the trays on the same day of every week, making it easier to remember when it's time for a new set. If it makes sense for you to change the trays every Sunday afternoon, it's possible. To find out when you should switch your Invisalign trays or if AcceleDent Aura can accelerate your Invisalign treatment, contact Gladwell Orthodontics today at (91) 453-6325. With the right treatment plan, Invisalign is a viable alternative for anyone who wants to get a straighter smile. As an expert in orthodontic care, I recommend that patients who are using Invisalign should change their aligners every one to two weeks, depending on how long they wear them each day.

For those who want to speed up their treatment time, combining Invisalign with AcceleDent Aura can help reduce the amount of time needed for treatment and allow patients to switch their trays every five to seven days. It's important to consult with your orthodontist about the best treatment plan for your individual needs. If you're considering using Invisalign, make sure you understand how often you need to change your aligners and what other options are available. With the right plan in place, you can get the smile of your dreams without having to worry about traditional braces.