Maintaining Your Perfect Smile After Invisalign Treatment

Maintaining a perfect smile after an Invisalign treatment requires wearing orthodontic retainers for up to 12 months. Learn more about how long you should wear them and what types of retainers are available.

Maintaining Your Perfect Smile After Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign treatment is a great way to achieve a perfect smile, but it's important to remember that the process doesn't end when you take off your aligners. To ensure that your teeth stay in their new position, you'll need to wear retainers after your Invisalign treatment is complete. When you use Invisalign, you'll wear each set of aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day, changing to a new set of aligners every 1 to 2 weeks, as directed by your doctor. Once you stop using Invisalign, you'll need to wear orthodontic retainers to keep your teeth in place while new bone is deposited.

It takes 9 to 12 months for the body to build up enough bone to stabilize the teeth. This is why a person will need to wear their retainer for about 22 hours a day during the days and weeks after Invisalign. They'll have to use the advance almost full time for about six months. For some people, this period will last longer than six months. For others, it will be shorter.

Everything will depend on the patient's particular situation.12 months after the last Invisalign trays, the jaw is completely deposited around the teeth that are being aligned. Within 12 months, you are expected to wear retainers regularly to maintain the shape of your teeth, as the bone hasn't developed enough. The use of Invisalign retainers after treatment is essential to prevent teeth from returning to their original position. This movement is especially likely in the first few months after finishing Invisalign treatment. Normally, we recommend wearing the removable retainer for three months after Invisalign treatment, both day and night.

But let's take a look at all the types of retainers available to make sure we keep our teeth straight after Invisalign treatment. As you can see, there are many types of retainers that can help keep your beautiful straight teeth under control after you finish your Invisalign treatment. That's why one of the most important parts of Invisalign treatment is the last day, when a perfect smile is revealed. Sometimes called Essix retainers, they're similar to Invisalign retainers, making it easier to transition from treatment to retention. Once the Invisalign treatment is finished, the accessories are removed and a mold of the teeth is sent to the laboratory so that the retainers can be manufactured.

This is why retainers should be used after Invisalign treatment to keep the teeth in their final perfect position and prevent them from moving over time. Therefore, after you stop using Invisalign braces, Invisalign retainers are needed to keep your teeth in place while new bone is deposited. Until the Invisalign retainers arrive, it's important to use the latest Invisalign tray to keep your teeth from moving. It's normal for your teeth to move slightly after you have your Invisalign braces removed or after you stop wearing Invisalign. Maintaining a perfect smile after an Invisalign treatment requires wearing orthodontic retainers for up to 12 months. During this period, it's important to wear them for 22 hours a day and use them almost full time for at least six months.

There are several types of retainers available that can help keep your teeth straight and prevent them from shifting back into their original position. The last step of an Invisalign treatment is when a perfect smile is revealed and it's essential that you use retainers afterwards in order to maintain it.